Church Life

What's going on

Home Groups

As a church, we believe that Home Groups are an integral part of our church mission and our life together.  Home Groups are a helpful way of growing together in faith, sharing our lives and worshipping Jesus whom we desire to share as we reach out to others in Roundswell and our community.

We run a number of Home Groups that meet weekly in members homes where we learn from the bible, encourage one another and pray together.  They are all about living a full and dynamic Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking to share Jesus in all of life's situations.

Prayer Meetings (Engine Room)

We currently meet on the first Tuesday of the month 09:30-10:30, again in someone's home

Bright Lights

Bright Lights is a 0-3 year baby and toddler group for parents and carers to stay and play.  Run by Roundswell Church and our trained volunteers, we have a range of play activities including free play, singing with musical instruments, and refreshments for children and parents.  We charge for every child over 1 £1 per child capped at 3 children.  We start every Wed from 10:00 - 11.30 am in term times only.  For more details and to see if there are places available to come, please either call or message Dave on 07931 731413 or email us at